Bible Texts:

1 Kings 19:4-8


Children's Bible Story sources:

"Elijah in the Wilderness,"  DK Children's Illustrated Bible, p.140

"Elijah speaks to King Ahab,"  DK Children's Everyday Bible, p.139

"Birds with Food for a Man," The Early Reader’s Bible, p. 195

"God Watches Over Elijah," The Beginner's Bible, p. 201

"Elijah," The Usborne Children's Bible, p. 56

"Elijah on the Run," The Lion Bible for Children p. 167


Children's Story Resources

Katy and the Big Snow by Virginia Lee Burton

Katy the bulldozer performs many jobs for the City of Geoppolis. When a big storm blankets the entire city in snow, people get stranded, businesses grind to a halt, and the only thing they know to do is call Katy. She has to do more for the city than she ever has before!
How these stories are connected: Sometimes we are called to do extraordinary things. Katy keeps going on the strength of  her desire to help. Elijah goes forty days on the strength of the food given to him by an angel.


Questions about Katy and the Big Snow:

     What kinds of things did Katy do for the city before the storm?

     What did she need to do after the storm?

     Why do you think she was able to do so much?


Questions about the Bible story:

     Why was Elijah so hungry?

     How did you get food?

     What was he able to do after he was fed?


Questions about our lives:

     What makes you strong?

     What things help you know more about God and grow in faith?



Dear God, feed us with the things that make us strong: love from our families, good teachers, and growing faith in you. Lead us to do good and powerful things in our lives. Amen.