
1 Kings 21: King Ahab takes Naboth's Vineyard
Elijah Part 8

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Zoom Schedule for Sunday August 2

11:00 am  Holy Communion (Have your own bread and wine/juice ready!)
11:15 am  Fellowship 
11:30 am  Sermon talk back: What did you hear today?

Click here to enter the Zoom Prayer Room


Resources for Worship

Our Confidence Is in the Lord

Our confidence is in the Lord,
the source of our salvation.
Rest is found in him alone,
the author of creation.

We will not fear the evil day,
because we have a refuge;
in every circumstance we say,
our hope is built on Jesus.

God is our fortress,
we will never be shaken.
God is our fortress,
we will never be shaken. 

ELW 512 Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil

Lord, let my heart be good soil, open to the seed of your word.
Lord, let my heart be good soil, where love can grow and peace is understood.
When my heart is hard, break the stone away.
When my heart is cold, warm it with the day.
When my heart is lost, lead me on your way.
Lord, let my heart, Lord, let my heart,
Lord, let my heart be good soil.

Text: Handt Hanson, b. 1950
Text © 1985 Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church, Inc., admin. Augsburg Fortress.
Duplicated by permission

ELW #172 Halle, Halle, Hallelujah

Halle, Halle, Hallelujah. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Lamb of God

Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world.
Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world.

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on me
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Have mercy on me

Lamb of God I'm asking You to take away my sin
I confess that I've done wrong I need Your help again

The precious blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from sin
The precious blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from sin

© Andy Park

God the Provider

Creed by Rev. Andreas Wagner

We believe in the God who provides for our every need,
Who has an answer to our deepest questions,
And a purpose for us in life.
Today we praise God the provider.

We believe in Jesus Christ, our holy brother,
Who stands by our side when light turns into darkness,
Who suffers our pain and turns it into a blessing.
For the presence of Christ in our lives,
We praise God the provider.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of life,
Who inspires us when our spirits are dried up,
Who creates something new when old structures crumble.
For the spirit of hope and renewal,
We praise God the provider.


Great Is The Lord

Great is the Lord; He is holy and just
By His power we trust in his love
Great is the Lord; He is faithful and true
By his mercy he proves He is love

Great is the Lord and worthy of glory
Great is the Lord and worthy of praise
Great is the Lord
Now lift up your voice
Now lift up your voice
Great is the Lord
Great is the Lord

© Michael W Smith