Chalking the Door 

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On the Epiphany of our Lord, January 6 we gather at the main entrances to homes, houses of worship, and workplaces and ask God’s blessing on these dwellings and on all who live or visit there.  The bold sections are read aloud, even if only one person is present. 

Peace be to this house and to all who enter here. A reading from Proverbs 24:3-4: “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”  (New International Version) Let us pray: Gracious God, as a shining star once guided the magi to the birthplace of the infant Jesus, so enable those who dwell here to be your light in the world; through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. 

Using chalk (hence, “Chalking the Door”) or whatever mark maker you have on hand, inscribe the lintel (the horizontal frame above the door) with the inscription shown below. The letters C M B come from the traditional (9th century) names for the “three kings” – Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. Some also suggest “Christus Mansionem Benedicat,” which in Latin means “May Christ bless this dwelling.”  Each person is afforded a turn to make one or more of the marks: 

20 + C + M + B + 21 

A reading from Isaiah 32:17-18: “Righteousness will bring peace. Yes, it will bring quietness and confidence forever. My people will live in safety, quietly at home. They will be at rest.” (New Living Translation)  

Let us pray: Sovereign God, bless this holy house and all who enter, visit, work, learn, teach and worship here with your gracious presence, that your love may be our inspiration, your wisdom our guide, your truth our light, and your peace our benediction. May this humble place be a source of your extravagant and good gifts for all the world; through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. 

Lord, remember your children and teach us to pray: 

Our Father, …. 

You may make the sign of the cross on your forehead in remembrance of your baptism.Parents may bless their children with the sign of the cross on their foreheads. 

May the Lord watch  +  over our going out and our coming in, from this time forth and forevermore. Amen.

© 1996, 2002 Paul Bosch & Andre Lavergne, edited by Laura Holck. This liturgy may be freely reproduced for non-commercial purposes with credit to the authors and mention of the Lift Up Your Hearts web site:


Dianne chalking the North Entrance at Church of the Cross