
Matthew 5: 13-20 Jesus continues his teaching on a high mountain, as he tells his disciples they are the salt of the earth and the light of the world
Let your light shine!

Jesus did not come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill them.

We have the foundation of scripture, story, and the life of the church on which to stand as we seek to find our way in our days and amid our struggles. Following the letter of the law may not be all that much help in our unique circumstances, but listening to the One who calls and integrating his teachings with our experiences lead to new solutions, new possibilities, and new life (even if painful at times).

Through his teaching to his disciples, Jesus tells us that we are salt and light, called to illumine truth and deceit, called to enhance flavor and medicate festering wounds. Jesus has entrusted his power to us and to our living.

It is the extraordinary power of love at work in the universe.